
Monday, September 22, 2014

Medicine Cabinet Makeover!

How many of us either have now or have had medicine cabinets that look like the first picture? It's okay, we all have! The thing is, it doesn't have to be that way! I have been using dōTERRA Essential oils since January and aside from inviting people to an occasional class, I have been keeping it pretty much to myself. I know what some people will think about my "hippy oils"! But, THEY WORK! 

I have cured five ear infections that my own kids have had and shared my oils with others who have cured ear infections as well, without ever going to the Dr. It's really easy too! All I had to do was rub a little bit of Lavender and Melaluca Oils around their ears (it stops the pain), then put a cotton ball with Basil Oil on it just inside the ear and then rub Oregano and/or Basil on their feet to kill the infection. Did you know that Oregano Oil is the strongest antibiotic found in nature! That's right, it's stronger than penicillin!  It really is that easy. When I add up what my cost was... Compared to what it would have cost me to go to the doctor... There is no comparison! It costs mere pennies to do it myself. I probably would have had to take two hours (or more) to go to ther doctor's office, sit there waiting... With all of the other sick people and expose all four of my children to whatever germs were floating around, then go to the pharmacy to get a prescription and fight with my poor sick child to take some nasty tasting antibiotic! By the time we get home from a day like this, it's usually taken about 3 to 4 hours. Not to mention, we do all of this with little to no sleep, because the poor sick child couldn't sleep because of the pain. 

You know all of this already. What you may not know is that the Lavender and Melaluca I mentioned can be used for about a hundred other things and the 15ml bottles have 250 doses (drops) in them! Lavender can be used for bug bites, stress, it can help you sleep and be used as an antiseptic for a cut, scrape or burn. It is a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and it produces a calming affect for when children (or adults) are upset, stressed or having a temper tantrum. Melaluca is an antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, strengthens immune systems and can even be used for acne or to keep your skin fresh and young looking. The Basil and Oregano also come in 15ml sizes with 250 drops! They can be used for cooking (your spaghetti sauce will thank you) and Oregano can even be used for easily removing skin tags and moles! Just a dab will do it, just put Oregano on the mole or tag twice a day for a week or so and it will just fall off! Yes, really! Oregano is used as a pain killer (it works like morphine by reversing pain and inflammation). Oregano oil is also used for respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis. 

So, I estimate the cost of going to the doctor at $85, for gas, copayment and meds. The cost to treat it myself, $2.50! That $2.50 was figured by using one drop of each oil twice per day for 5 days. And... I did it peacefully and calmly, in the comfort of my home!

Please ask me if you have any questions or would like to order some. I do have some samples.  if you are interested, but don't want to invest in a whole bottle, I can put together a sample pack for you!

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